Why rent a beast

The ethos of rent a beast is to engage people and teach them about the importance of correct animal welfare. Whether it’s an insect or a mammal, the principle of correct care is the same: correct feeding, enrichment, suitable accommodation and daily maintenance. By allowing people to experience this, it can then be transferred to other pets and promote high standards of animal welfare.

Rent a beast started off as a simple idea to allow schools and nurseries to experience looking after minibeasts that fits in with the national curriculum. That idea came from Carrie Alcock, Zoologist and Exotic Animal Management lecturer. Carrie has worked in a variety of animal care industries including vets, catteries, wildlife rehabilitation centres, equine yards, zoos and animal welfare charities. She acquired the National Diploma in Animal management at Rodbaston college and Bsc (hons) Zoology degree at Leeds University. Then she settled into working with a variety of exotic animals during the years spent as a zoo keeper. This then lead Carrie into her career as an animal management lecturer at Derby College, specialising in Zoological Health and Husbandry. Ten years later with 2 children under the belt, the idea of Rent a Beast was born.

In 2016 Jo Boulter joined forces with Carrie and now there are two crazy bug ladies! Jo is bug mad, owning over 30 different species of tarantulas along with many other exotic creatures.  Jo is also a 4th Dan black belt and has taught Karate for many years so is fabulous at engainging students. 


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